
Showing posts from December, 2021

Friendship has no boundaries

“Once someone has had the good fortune to share a true love affair with a Golden Retriever, one’s life and one’s outlook is never quite the same.”

Happy New Year

This cat with humongous toes

2021 Recap - All of the pets we helped walk again!

Happy New Year from my dog and me

Knitted Pitbulls !!

Insurance fraud is everywhere, always use a dash cam.

It's time for a hug break

My sick girl put herself in the carrier. She’s ready to head to the vet 😿🥺

Some art things

Trying to decide if the tea has cooled down enough

Poor guy

There’s an impawster among us 🐶

Protect the doggo and also give free rides

What a Beauty

In the mood

Horsing around in snow

Snuggled up

Would you look at that adorable thing.

Best moment ever

Cats in the snow

This Derp just wants his ears cleaned, is all.

Left the patio door open briefly for some fresh air. Shortly after, I heard some rustling behind the christmas tree... I don't have a cat...

Big sisters are overjoyed to see their younger brother make his first steps.

A black cat for Christmas

/r/HuskyTantrums: /r/aww Subreddit of the Week

"What is this cold thing?!"

Patience is everything..

Wish him health

This dog give me the joy I needed for Christmas

Exploring her new home

We can’t decide on a name for the little guy. What do you all think we should name him?

This young man turned 12 today! Happy Birthday Rusty!!

The ultimate coupling

Smart Doggo

I smile.

You cant say no to this face

FINALLY someone speaks my language around here

This doggo is full of love, support, and emotion ❤️


Was found on the street, scanning for chip

When you lie on your resume for your dream job

Damn this is an aww of the first degree!

Merry Christmas 🎄🎄🎄

Kitties will be kitties at all shapes and sizes

My kitty got a flopping fish for Christmas. 15/10.

the cutest thing you will see in the day 😻😻 ♥ ️ ♥ ️

This UPS driver stopped after delivery a package to wish the parents of a newborn baby well

My girlfriend snapped a pretty good pic... Merry Christmas!