
Showing posts from March, 2019

Her smile

10 year challenge with Lexi

My family is not impressed by how stunning beautiful my dog is. Maybe you will be.

Cutest non-flying angel

Time lapse of little brb gettin' its wings.

Baby boop

My little Sunny's smile was too perfect not to share. She brings sunshine to my life everyday.

Horse is so gentle with her furry friend

My best friend is turning 11 this month!

This is the cutest thing I’ve seen in a while

Smooth duckies

Red pandas doing their secret handshake

“Please play with meeee!”

Golden retrieving his daily egg

Me and Pepper relaxing 😌😸🐈

They taught their hog how to bounce on a bed

Oh human, I love you too!

"I love you, dog."

Doggo Does His Very Best

Canadian road rage

Dog Protecting His Human

Dad picks furchild as he is scared of the escalator

I can't decide if my cat's jump is more impressive, or when she vertically walks down!? Her name is Luna :)

Obeying the Law

Baby Hippo

Soo, I found this little kitty 4 years ago at the side of the road. This is her today.

Psst. Wanna know a secret?

It's my cake day, so here is my 15yo cat Peter mid sneeze.

This little foxi comes to the store every night for his egg. His gf is waiting outside

Chonky boi

I guess my son in law's doggo was happy to see me.

Best friends cuddling with each other

Puppy excited to see it’s owner

I am a coloured pencil artist who dreams of doing this full-time one day. Here is my latest drawing.

This is Cinnamon, she likes to make you uncomfortable while you use the bathroom!

Everything is blooming!

Best hikingbuddy ever

This guy helping a stray cat drink water from a public fountain

When they let you out the box but you uncivilized

My girlfriend discovered this cool little trick with my good girl

This man, who can only see in one eye, bought this dog who was born with one eye that no one else wanted.

He's such a happy pupper!!!

Squirrel thinks it can carry three nuts, not only two πŸ˜‚

I climb cell towers for a living. Accidentally committed a home invasion recently and the home owner was less than happy.

A lot can change in 7 weeks.

7 week old baby hears sound for the first time

Horse Helps Girl Who Is Struggling To Get On

Someone just discovered portrait mode..Me. It was me.

Look at him raise his little legs

Adopted her from a friend, and she was much smaller than I expected from pictures. Reddit, meet Penny.