
Showing posts from November, 2019

“Boop to activate tail wig”

nervous pupper cadet ready for his first day!

Corgi in the snow

Little pony zoomin back and again

Kid does a dress reveal in front of a Disney princess.

new to reddit: thought I’d share my friend MARVIN

Here’s my pup seeing snow for the first time

Drove my two Goldens from Cali to Georgia for Thanksgiving to be with my parents' four Goldens

Birb.exe has encountered an error

0-60 in 0.5 seconds

I’m diabetic and this little girl just bit me to wake me up when my blood sugar went to 312

Choosing between Nature v. Nurture

Hopefully this belongs on this sub. This is my dog, who follows me EVERYWHERE like this. If he ends up in front of me, he’ll move to the side and let me pass so he can tuck in. He’s my best bud.

my dog has ticklish feet apparently

True master of assassination

Office pup busy getting pets from everyone in the office

Prison break

My 2 adopted (non-related) kitties really like each other.

This Flower’s Petals Look Like Hummingbirds

And here we have an adorable cat angry at a watermelon

A dog hoarder in our city had 72 dogs seized, and the healthy ones were put up for adoption. I waited at the Humane Society for 6 hours in the cold before they opened to get our baby girl. reddit, meet Cleo!


Deer and Rabbit Meeting

Meanwhile in Japan... 🙇🦌

My best girl turns 15 today. She's nearly blind, hard of hearing, and has really bad breath but she's still got a pep in her step. I'm glad she's still here.

“Umm honey, I'll be late today. I’m stuck in traffic.”

Might be our final Christmas with this little one. I appreciate these cuddles more than ever.

Hyenas: exist for hundreds of thousands of years to become ferocious carnivores at the top of the food chain. Also hyenas:

This is Lucy. She’s 15 years old and doesn’t do much anymore but I love this precious angel ☺️

A stray cat recently gave birth to kittens at my parents’ house. This little dude hid under a table when we brought him inside.

Just chillin on a long weekend

Such cuties

I'm an elephant now

You go girl!

A really cute Sable... I mean, soooo cute.

This crocheted baby Yoda!

I think my new pup is fitting in quite well.

Cat who lost its kittens is given a stray

😁 hello, I’m your Uber driver.

A beautiful sequence of photos :)

Just woke up and I'm ready for dinner!

15 years ago the day after Thanksgiving I brought this old man home, he has been with me through college, marriage, two kids, divorce and now engagement, he has slowed down, he can’t see much and doesn’t hear well but he still chases his tail daily and is happy as ever.

He is just chilling there...

We've adopted a fluffy potato. Reddit, meet Anchan

Thanksgiving dinner with my boys

Her boyfriend said that he wasn’t a Cat person, but this was their first day together.

Old dog wants to help getting the newspaper

Almost 18 years old and still sleeping with the toy frog she's had for 14 years

I wanted a cat, my wife wanted a dog so we compromised and got a dog.

So my 8 week old pup fell asleep to me singing to him, and his mouth fell open. My heart melted.